Saturday, February 9, 2008

Preventing Diseases in Fruit Trees

If you hold any pitted fruit trees such as plums, peaches, cherries or, I am sure they know that the types of trees are much more susceptible to disease than any other type. While the fruits are delicious, it can be quite difficult to live with all the evils that can plague the lives of everyone who has grown one of the types of fruit trees.

The main diseases that he learned the most is known as "Brown Rot." This is a fungus that attaches to many of the remains of fruits after the harvesting season is over. Not only in the aspect repugnant remnants of fruit, but can also be back on the newest fruit, which makes magnetic north (unless you like to eat mushrooms). To prevent the disease, you should prune your trees often to promote good air circulation. Accrual humidity are the main cause of the brown rot. Even when you have finished harvesting season, it should get rid of all traces of fruit on the tree or on the ground.

A cytospora canker is a repulsive dark, soft in the area of tree branches. Goma out through the bark, along with a large callus. The pathogen that causes these cankers enters the tree usually through major injuries. If you prune all outbreaks occurring in late summer, cankers will have a harder time making themselves known within their tree. When pruning, always allow the wounds to heal naturally instead of using dressings that can be purchased at garden stores. I found that these often do little to help any situation, and only serves to make the tree look unnatural.

Those trees planted plum could take up something called Black Knot. Symptoms of black are not harsh tumors or growths that can be seen in the tree branches. If you see any of these, you should immediately cut the plant has been awarded to. Using branches of mulch is generally not for this. This disease could easily re-enter the tree if it is within a certain distance.

Almost everyone who has never held a cherry has dealt with the "Cherry Leaf Spot." Usually, when there is manifested old dead leaves accumulated on the ground. The prevention of this disease is quite easy. All you have to do is be very diligent in everything from raking the leaves that fall from his tree. If you have already seen signs of the disease, you must destroy all their leaves raked. If not, then can be used as mulch.

When the fruits ripen and become ready for picking, you should always be completely finished with the collection within 2 weeks. The best thing is to go out every day and pick up all the new mature fruits, along with those who have fallen off the trees, or are beginning to rot on the tree. By doing so, you will prevent bees and wasps of becoming too dependent on its tree food.

The growers of fruit trees are constantly confronted with diseases and pests to worry about. However, if you take the proper precautions, you can avoid most of them. You should also look for those who have diseases that affect their local area, and try to take steps to prevent those too.

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